Newcomer education


More information about registration and admission

Newcomer education

Since January 2014, the Europaschool has had a Newcomer Class. This class accommodates primary school children aged 6 and older who do not speak Dutch at all. They receive instruction in various subjects, but the focus is on learning Dutch. As soon as their proficiency reaches an adequate level, they can transition to a regular group.

All students in the Newcomer Class also have a place in one of the grade groups of the Europaschool. This allows them to participate in lessons in their grade group right from the start. Children from the Newcomer Class go to their grade group during the small and large breaks, as well as during gym classes. As soon as possible, they also participate in the Da Vinci lessons in their grade group.

Students from groups 3 to 8 can receive a year of newcomer education. After that year, they transition to a regular group. Sometimes a student needs extra support in learning the Dutch language, for example, in vocabulary, grammar, or sentence structure. This student will then receive additional support from a subject teacher during the VVTO hours for as long as necessary. If a student in grade 5 is "at level," he or she can still transition to English, French, or Spanish.

For students in groups 1 and 2, they go directly to the regular group; during VVTO, these students also receive extra support in a suitable playful manner to learn the Dutch language. These students also transition to VVTO as soon as the child's teachers see that the child is keeping up well with Dutch.

We participate in the core group Newcomers Amsterdam and are registered with the Newcomers Amsterdam reporting center of the ABC.

If you're interested or want to know more you can always send an e-mail to the following e-mail address: