Education Manifesto
The educational ambitions of Esprit Schools are outlined in the Education Manifesto 2023-2027.
Social Pedagogical Practices
We see a positive pedagogical environment as a prerequisite for learning.
Arts and Cultural Education
The Europaschool connects language, arts, and internationalization within cultural education.
Newcomer Education
Since January 2014, the Europaschool has had a Newcomers' Class. In this class, primary school children from the age of six who do not yet speak any Dutch are welcomed and supported.
Student Care
The best support we can offer our students is ensuring a positive pedagogical environment where everyone is free to be themselves. We see this as a fundamental prerequisite.
With Early Foreign Language Education (VVTO), the Europaschool provides a practical implementation of the policy theme of internationalization.
The concept of "citizenship" is at the core of our vision: where many cultures come together to form one community.